Airworth Travel and Tours Pvt Ltd is Approved by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, as a tour operator and travel agent. Apart from the official recognition, we are also proud to be associated with some of the national and international bodies in travel and tourism industry. These affiliations give us the credibility of being a serious player in travel business and support us to get access to the resources and knowledge to utilize it in our professional Operations like:
Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO) - IATO is the premier trade body of inbound Tour Operators in India who strive for the growth of Indian tourism industry and strive to provide quality services to travelers.
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is an international industry trade group of airlines headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, where the International Civil Aviation Organization is also headquartered. Over 60 years, IATA has developed the commercial standards that built a global industry. IATA’s mission is to represent, lead and serve the airline industry. Its members comprise some 230 airlines - the world’s leading passenger and cargo airlines among them - representing 93 percent of scheduled international air traffic. IATA seeks to improve understanding of the industry among decision makers and increase awareness of the benefits that aviation brings to national and global economies.
TRAVEL AGENTS ASSOCIATION OF INDIA represents all that is professional, ethical and dynamic in our nation's Travel related activity and has been recognized as the voice of the Travel and Tourism industry in India. With a membership data base of over 2400 Active; Allied and Associate members comprising of IATA accredited Travel Agencies; Airlines & General Sales Agencies; Hotels and Tour operators; TAAI is the largest Travel Association of India.
The American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA) – ASTA:
is the world's largest association of travel professionals. Their members include travel agents and the companies whose products they sell, such as tours, cruises, hotels, car rentals, etc. They are the leading advocate for travel agents, the travel industry and the traveling public. The ASTA logo is recognized around the world as a symbol of professionalism and integrity.